It is a short but particularly interesting route from an historical aspect and because of the landscape. Part of the path winds on the ridge that acts as a watershed between the Metauro and Foglia rivers. From the inhabited centre of Borgo Pace you can go up the paved street in the direction of Passo della Spugna; then you take a dirt road that’s often very bumpy, till you reach the top of the ridge, that overlooks the Metauro Valley. You continue walking over a series of the Cossante and Della Rocca mountain tops until you descend to the localities of Cal Bianchino. During the crossing of the ridge impressive scenery won’ be lacking: Sassi di Simone and Simoncello in the basin of the Foglia River, the Castle of Pieve in the Metauro Valley, an ancient fortified village which has a watchtower that in the past was used for defence.